Category: GM Milford Dream Ride

bicycling articles about GM Milford Proving Grounds Dream Ride

Posted in GM Milford Dream Ride

Bike Safety for Seniors

A recent series of bicycle accidents has made me realize I am not 25 anymore; slower reflexes, less agility, and poor balance. Though I spent two summers in Europe bike touring (3700 miles each), I have fallen off my Trek 720 touring bike multiple times in the last month. After the first incident, I spent several hours in the Beaumont Emergency Room while they checked thoroughly for cracked ribs, a bruised hip and of course a skinned knee.

When I was walking the bike home (the chain came off) I fell again while pushing the “walk” button at Golfview and Coolidge. My bike and I landed in the crosswalk. Several people stopped to see if I was OK. Thanks to all who helped me including a doctor who checked me out and recommended an Emergency Room visit. One neighbor offered to take my bike home and a few others waited until the ambulance arrived. Many thanks to all the kind and generous people who helped me.

I use the old-fashioned toe clips and straps after I fell over at a stoplight at Long Lake & Squirrel Roads a few years ago with the newfangled clipless pedals. The bike fell over because I had stopped quicker than planned from the uphill grade. So hello toe clips! The proper way to get in them is to straddle the bike after lifting the right leg over the top tube, put the left foot into the toe clip and tighten the strap. Backpedal until the left foot is positioned for a downstroke, then after you get rolling, flip the right pedal right side up with your shoe. Reach down and tighten the toe strap (optional) if you have a long ways to go.

Lessons Learned

Are you training for a race (no), so what’s the hurry? You’re on retirement time.

Take your time and use crosswalks

Irreversible corrective action

Know before you go. I would have learned that the Clinton River Trail is mostly unpaved and brought my mountain bike instead. I should have gone home and swapped bikes!

Having surer footing on wider tires of the mountain bike would have prevented three of the falls Saturday, including the most spectacular: a soft landing on my right side at the bottom of a ravine. Thankfully I landed on bushes instead of hitting a tree. In a total of five falls, three times my helmet saved me from a concussion or worse. Thanks to another biker on the trail who stopped and my riding partner, my bike and I were hauled up the steep hill.

Replace the helmet (done) since there are now three cracks in the Styrofoam.

Use the crosswalk across Big Beaver Road (heavy traffic moving at 50 mph most of the time). Get off the bike and walk it the two blocks over from my usual riding route. Too hard to navigate slow turns entering sidewalks. Unnecessary risk of a fall.

Consider removing the toe clips from the mountain bike and use it exclusively for outdoor riding. For sure no more Trek on gravel roads!

Bubble wrapping my body might help protect from skinned knees and bruises but wouldn’t be comfortable. Maybe some Gore-Tex fabric insulated riding pants? Probably too small a market for those.


It’s possible to bicycle into your 60s, 70s and even 80s. As I often do on vacation, I ask people questions, like “do you like your job?”

I asked the camp store owner near Wilderness State Park south of the Mackinac Bridge to the Upper Peninsula, “Who were your most interesting customers?” “Well, one August day, two white – haired couples in their 80s took off their bicycle helmets. I asked them where they were headed; one replied, ‘Grand Rapids.’ I said ‘that’s pretty impressive. Where did you start?’


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Posted in GM Milford Dream Ride

Dale Murrish for Troy City Council

My goal is to bring a unique, independent perspective to the council, representing all stakeholders in Troy: residents, firefighters, police, and city employees, regardless of political views or citizenship, including business owners and those who work in Troy but live elsewhere.

Sustainable development.

Troy has very little undeveloped land; we want to have developments that fit in with the nearby neighbors, ideally that they are happy with. We don’t want new five-story apartment buildings overlooking backyard swimming pools. We may need changes in zoning laws to remedy this.

The 20-acre development proposed at a recent council meeting had over 140 single family dwellings. It might meet the current zoning laws but cries out for changes to not put five hundred people on a postage stamp.

New housing developments could leave most of the backyards forested for the wildlife. The Fox Run senior citizens development in Novi left a lot of woods and wetlands for the residents to enjoy.

• We can encourage apartments and condos to have curbside recycling.

• Maintenance costs in city buildings could benefit from large rolls of toilet paper like many businesses already have.

• Automatic faucets too, where we don’t already have them.

 Fiscal restraint.

Troy already has good fiscal discipline. I will propose a 1% inflation-adjusted budget cut each year for five years. Each department can look for creative ways to economize. We could use the savings for the firefighters incentive fund or a property tax cut.

We need to remember we are spending other people’s money!

Keep Troy family friendly. Let other towns have marijuana dispensaries!

Treat government like a business,

Partner with schools, and promote

Energy efficiency and recycling.

More at

I pledge to work harmoniously with the other council members and mayor. Different ideas do not have to be divisive.

I look forward to serving on the council and ask for your support. I think I would bring it diversity of thought.

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Posted in Biking GM Milford Dream Ride

Bicycling Presentation and MPG Dream Ride Part 1

Here’s a pdf file from 2014 – Bicycling presentation – basics, what to bring, etc. and Part 1 of the Milford Proving Grounds Dream Ride

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Posted in GM Milford Dream Ride

New Webmaster

Thanks, Kevin, for getting this set up!

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